#WinterIsComing and the temperatures are dropping!
We just wanted to let you know all the exciting things that are coming up!
Social Snowsports Session 26th October
18:00-20:00 @ Alford
Come and have a fun session through the holidays, it even coincides with Austria's National Holiday so if thats not an excuse to go out and slide - what is?
To book click here
Trampolining @ Skyline Inverurie
Trampolining returns from next term starting from 31st October for 8 weeks, running Tuesdays 18:30-19:30 at Skyline Trampoline Park in Inverurie - with Aspire Trampoline Academy, this is a great opportunity to learn how to move your body and really develop some hugely transferable skills - those who have been this past term have been hugely positive of the benefits.
To book click here
Thursday Coaching @ Alford
17:00-18:00 After School Ski Session - Age 4+ (supported by the National Lottery)
18:10-19:10 After School Ski Session - Age 4+ (supported by the National Lottery)
19:15-21:00 Junior Ski Coaching - Age 7+
To book click here
Saturday Coaching @ Aberdeen
17:15-19:15 Junior Ski Coaching - Age 4+
17:15-19:15 Junior Snowboard Coaching - Age 6+
To book click here
Adult Coaching @ Alford #NaeJustFaeBairns
Sunday 5th November 17:30-19:45
Sunday 10th December 17:30-19:45
To book click here
Rural Ski Sessions @ Alford (Ages 4-18)
Sunday 5th November 16:00-17:30 (supported by the National Lottery)
Sunday 10th December 16:00-17:30 (supported by the National Lottery)
To book click here
TeuchterRACE & JAM @ Alford
Sunday 12th November 16:00-19:30
Only a few places left to register click here
In case you are unsure of what each session means, see the below.. Junior Ski or Snowboard Coaching - Club Sessions for all club stages, Aberdeen 17:15-19:15 sessions are for all ages, Alford 19:15-21:00 are for those aged 7+ as these sessions are late. Sessions include Racing and Freestyle Performance Pathways. After Schools Sessions - Intro-to-Club Sessions for new or younger skiers (Aged 4-14) to attend and fall in love with Club Snowsports, relaxed and fun with lots of opportunity to learn and try different things - funded by the National Lottery Community Fund to increase participation and affordable access to Snowsports. Rural Ski Sessions - Club Sessions for all club stages and ages (4-18) to encourage participation from across our Rural Areas who may not ordinarily be able to make other sessions during the week or where Aberdeen is too far away - funded by the National Lottery Community Fund to increase participation and affordable access to Snowsports. Adult Ski Sessions - Club Sessions for all our "Big Kids" to learn some tips and tricks, make new friends and connect with other people from across the region - It's nae just fae bairns!